Our Lady of the Lake School Aftercare Program exists to provide children of Our Lady of the Lake School with a safe, supportive and stimulating environment for families in need of after school care for children. Under the direction of the staff, activities are planned to compliment the philosophy and value system of our school. The program itself replaces neither the home nor the school, but compliments both.


2:35 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. on school days


  • Snack time: Students will be offered a healthy snack each afternoon.
  • Homework time: Students will be offered an opportunity to begin working on their homework. This time may also be used for library reading.
  • Play time: Students will have an opportunity for supervised physical activities. There will also be time for educational board games, and/or play activities of a quieter nature.
  • People time: Students will have the opportunity to interact socially with others.
  • Creative time: Students may take time to work on a creative school craft project.
  • Quiet time: Students will have the opportunity to rest quietly or engage in restful individual activity.


  • Registration Fee: $25 per family
  • Student Fee: $4.00 per hour/per student
  • Late Pick-up Fee: $10.00 for every 15 minutes, or portion thereof, after 6:00 p.m


To register for this school year, print and complete the form at the link below and return it to the school office with the $25 (per family) registration fee.   Students will not be allowed to attend until the After Care registration has been completed.

After Care Application