At Our Lady of the Lake School, we believe that the focus of the school day is to be on the formation of the whole child; we also believe that while we monitor the dress code, compliance with the policy ensures that teachers and students may be freed to pursue our spiritual and educational objectives.
To eliminate confusion and ensure high standards of dress, the prescribed uniforms may be purchased from Schoolbelles Uniform Company. Please see the uniform guide Here. More details about the School Dress Code can be found in the 2024-25 Family Handbook.
Grades K - 8
- Dress Shoes
- Polo Shirt
- Pastel Blue
- Pastel Yellow
- White
- Navy Pants
- Belt (Grades 4-8)

Grades 7 - 8
- Dress Shoes
- Dress Shirt
- Pastel Blue
- Pastel Yellow
- White
- Dark Tie
- Khaki Pants
- Belt

Grades K - 3
- Dress Shoes
- Polo Shirt/Blouse
- Pastel Blue
- Pastel Yellow
- White
- Jumper

Grades 4 - 8
- Dress Shoes
- Polo Shirt/Blouse
- Pastel Blue
- Pastel Yellow
- White
- Skirt
- Vest/Sweater/OLL Sweatshirt

Grades K - 8
- Dress Shoes
- Polo Shirt
- Pastel Blue
- Pastel Yellow
- White
- Navy Pants
- Belt (Grades 4-8)

Boys and Girls
- Tennis Shoes
- Gold OLL Shirt
- OLL Athletic Shorts
- OLL Sweatpants
- Must wear sweatpants to school

Students may NOT use a dress-down pass on days they attend Mass, a prayer service, or a special event. Gym uniforms may be worn on Mass days if it is also a Gym day.


Shorts can be worn from first day - October 15 & April 15 - end of year
- Boys - Walking Shorts
- Girls - Walking Shorts or Skorts
- Polo Shirt
- Tennis Shoes
- Belt (Grades 4-8)
This can also be worn as a gym uniform.

Sweaters / Sweatshirts

Boys and Girls
- OLL Sweatshirt
- Navy Blue Sweater (as shown in Schoolbelles catalog)
Can be worn over the uniform shirt each day, including Mass days.

Students may wear Spiritwear any day except Mass days.
Includes clothing provided by the school or parish events such as:
- S.T.E.M.
- Walk-a-Thon
- Parish Play
- Spirit Items excluding Hooded Sweatshirt (see below)
Families can order Our Lady of the Lake spirit items using the following link: